Tag Archives: fly fishing wales

Busy Time Of Year


Well this is a crazy time of year for a fishing guide, but the weather has been quite good so things have been looking up, lots of clients and best of all loads of fish.


Also lots of people coming for casting lessons from complete novices to people coming to improve their skills, it’s been a very good year so far with everyone picking it up really quickly, or it must be the quality of the instruction !!


We have also had some amazing weather sun, wind, hot, cold and surprisingly not that much rain, bar for the one day the river rocketed up and coloured but it didn’t actually rain where we were, as we walked up the river the Carno brook was ragging and just above where it flows into the Severn was still clear and on its bones.


One gentle man had flown 11.500 miles to fulfil another item off his bucket list and catch a grayling in Wales, and he did rather well ( more to follow on this )


Tough Day In The Office


After the lovely warm sunshine yesterday, I had a guided day booked for today with Warren from the USA and guess what it turned to cold strong winds again, don’t you just love it.

It turned out to be a real tough day nothing on the wing, next to nothing showing on the surface, we tried a searching dry and managed 1 trout and 2 grayling, as we moved to some deeper water I swapped Warren over to nymphs which I thought would be more productive, not a touch not even something that you thought might have been, we moved off down the river for lunch and went back to a dry, it wasn’t non stop action but Warren landed another 4 fish and lost a few, not the best days guiding I have had but when we got back to the car park a gentleman who had started the same time as us was packing up to go home and unfortunately he had blanked, shame for him but Warren was very chuffed with what he had caught on such a hard day.